AI Games Biographies

Chessmaster AI

Chessmaster AI is a legendary figure in the world of artificial intelligence and gaming. Developed by IBM, Deep Blue made history in 1997 when it defeated reigning world chess champion Garry Kasparov in a six-game match. This victory marked a significant milestone in AI and demonstrated the potential of machine intelligence in strategic games. Deep Blue's algorithmic prowess and its ability to calculate millions of moves per second revolutionized the way we think about AI in games.


AlphaGo is an AI program developed by DeepMind, a subsidiary of Google. In 2016, AlphaGo stunned the world by defeating the reigning world Go champion, Lee Sedol, in a five-game match. The ancient game of Go had long been considered a pinnacle of human intelligence due to its complexity and strategic depth. AlphaGo's success showcased the power of deep reinforcement learning and neural networks in mastering complex board games. It inspired new research in AI and redefined the possibilities of machine learning in gaming.

Dota 2 AI - OpenAI Five

OpenAI Five is an AI system developed by OpenAI for playing the popular online game Dota 2. In 2018, it made headlines by competing against professional human players at The International, one of Dota 2's biggest tournaments. OpenAI Five demonstrated remarkable teamwork, strategy, and adaptability in a complex, real-time environment. This achievement marked a significant step forward in AI's ability to excel in multiplayer video games, opening up new possibilities for AI-driven gaming experiences and research.


Libratus, developed by Carnegie Mellon University, is an AI poker-playing bot that gained fame in 2017. It participated in a high-stakes poker tournament, defeating top human players in a game known for its uncertainty and bluffing strategies. Libratus showcased the application of AI and game theory in imperfect-information games, demonstrating the potential for AI to excel in scenarios where players have limited information. Its success had implications beyond poker, showing how AI could be applied to negotiation, security, and other fields.

DeepMind's StarCraft II AI

DeepMind, in collaboration with Blizzard Entertainment, developed AI agents capable of playing the real-time strategy game StarCraft II. These agents demonstrated remarkable skill and adaptability in a highly dynamic and complex gaming environment. DeepMind's work on StarCraft II AI has advanced research in multi-agent reinforcement learning and has the potential to impact not only gaming but also real-world applications, including robotics and autonomous systems.